Saturday, November 10, 2007

And I'm done....

Wheee....I'm finally done with my exams. Man, I have never in my life been so glad to have a semester over and done with. Now all that is left is the torturous 2 week wait for the results and then if I pass everything (fingers crossed) the long wait for graduation. Meanwhile though, as i am getting kicked out of Burgmann in a week, I have to look for someplace to stay and also find a job. So it looks like i'll be pretty busy for the next week ro so while I get everything sorted out. I have a whole bunch of my stuff i have to go through to check what i want to keep and what i don't want anymore as well as a CV to write up. Man I really hate sorting my stuff cause i tend to want to keep everything. I'm kind of a rubbish collector that way, not to mention I have a whole bunch of textbooks and some story books as well as notes that i dunno what to do with.

Anywayz, wish me luck....hopefully everything will turn out for the best. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it does. :)